More lifestyle related activities from bowling to ballroom dancing, and cinemas to Thai massage are allowed to reopen
The Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) decided on Friday to ease the restrictions imposed to help curb the spread of the Coronavirus further, under which more of lifestyle related businesses and activities are involved.
At least 15 businesses and activities are allowed to reopen in the third phase of the restriction relaxation, starting today onwards.
They include;
*Extension of opening time of shopping malls and department stores; from 8 to 9 PM
*Full-service beauty salons and barbershops with no later than 2 hours of service time for each customer
*Exhibition halls and convention centers with no more than 20,000 sq m service area
*Amulet shops with no promotion activities
* Child care centers with limited services
*Beauty clinics and tattoo shops with no services on faces
*Massage and spa houses with no services on faces, and no sauna and steam services
*Fitness centers with limited services on group activities and without sauna and steam services
*Sport grounds and stadiums for exercise and practice and limited players
*Water sports with no competitions
*Bowling houses for exercise and practice
*Ballroom dance classes
*Theaters, cinemas, and playhouses with limited audience and no concerts
*Zoos and animalshows with no group activities
These businesses and activities must comply with the standards of practice on disease control and social distancing as guided by the state, according to the CCSA.
The CCSA also agreed in the Friday meeting to maintain the curfew but reduced the curfew time by one hour, starting from 11 PM and finishing at 3 AM.
It has also eased domestic travels with disease control measures being imposed along, but maintained a ban on international passenger flights as most of the recent infection cases are from those returning to the country from abroad and put under state quarantine.
The third phase comes into effect today onwards, before the fourth phase, which largely involves entertainment businesses and activities is subject for consideration.
As of today, Thailand’s total Coronavirus cases stand at 3,082, with one new infection case, and 57 fatalities.
Indie • in-depth online news agency
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